Our broadcast premiere at Link TV got some attention from Hollywood 360.
Check out the full article.
Our broadcast premiere at Link TV got some attention from Hollywood 360.
Check out the full article.
We're beyond excited to let you know that Link TV will offer the national broadcast premiere of "When Mickey Came to Town," on Thursday, November 10 at 8:00pm Eastern (5:00pm Pacific) and then again three hours later at 8:00pm Pacific (11:00pm Eastern).
Link TV is an independent non-commercial network devoted to national and global issues, available in 34 million U.S. homes receiving satellite television on DIRECTV channel 375 and DISH Network channel 9410. The program will also be available for streaming at the Link TV website. For more information, visit http://www.linktv.org.
We had a great screening at the James River Short Film Festival's Filmmakers Forum. We screened with a great variety of other shorts, including narrative films from Richmond's 48 Hour Film Project and others. The variety was really fun. Producer/Director Sam Sheline was joined by Coalition for Smarter Growth President Stewart Schwartz for a very involved discussion after the screening. It was great to have Stewart there, as CSG was formed out of the aftermath of the Disney campaign, and is still very involved in urban, transportation, and other land-use planning in the Commonwealth, the District, and beyond.
Thank you Jeff Roll, James River Shorts, and the Visual Arts Center of Richmond for hosting!
Stewart Schwartz, President of the Coalition for Smarter Growth, and Sam Sheline (Producer/Director and Co-Writer) take questions from the James River Short Film Festival's Jeff Roll.
We're very pleased to announce that we'll be screening at the Alexandria Film Festival!
Nov. 12 at 10AM at the AMC Hoffman in Alexandria, VA.
This is a fantastic festival that we're honored to be a part of. Please come join us at a great theater in a great town to watch When Mickey Came to Town on the big screen.
We're excited to announce that we'll be in Richmond for the James River Filmmakers Forum on Oct. 1 at 8PM. Producer/Director Sam Sheline will be on hand to answer questions about the film. He'll be joined by Stewart Schwartz from the Coalition for Smarter Growth, a group that grew directly from the campaign against Disney's America, and now works on smarter land use and urban planning in the region.
More details on the event here: jamesriverfilm.org/2016/09/the-james-river-filmmakers-forum-autumn-2016-edition/
So this news is a bit old, but better late than never...
When Mickey Came to Town won two big awards at American University's Visions Media Festivals in May! We won the awards for Best Editing and for Outstanding Thesis Film. Congratulations to editor Adam Lee and director/producer/co-writer Sam Sheline, who were in attendance to accept the awards.
Editor Adam Lee accepts the award for Best Editing at the 2016 Visions Awards at American University.
Watch and share our brand new trailer for the film.
We were saddened when we heard the news that our dear friend and trusted advisor, Bill Backer, recently passed away. Bill Backer was the Board President of the Piedmont Foundation and the advertising hall-of-famer renowned for the Coca Cola Hilltop Commercial.
We recently worked with Bill Backer on a film about the campaign in 1994 to stop Disney’s America, When Mickey Came to Town. He provided priceless strategy and counsel that helped capture people’s attention, create an emotional spark and sway public opinion against Disney. The movement to stop Disney’s plans to develop the first battlefield of the Civil War in Bull Run, Manassas into a historical theme park, would not have made the impact that it did without the brilliant mind and service of Bill Backer. We appreciate his friendship, his service and how he inspired us.
We feel honored to have walked with him and offer our deepest sympathies and prayers to the family of Bill Backer. Watch the powerful tribute from CBS News here.
A memorial gathering will be held for Bill Backer sometime this Summer. We will provide further information when available.
We'll be screening the film at the Piedmont Environmental Council's annual meeting on May 21. The event is open to the public for a $35 annual PEC membership fee (or $25 if you're already a member). The screening will feature a discussion with PEC President, and integral character in the film, Chris Miller.
Our Executive Producer Kristin Pauly penned a piece about the campaign against Disney's America for the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers (WRAG). Kristin's piece focuses on the role of the Prince Charitable Trusts in the campaign, where Kristin was the Managing Director for many years.
Check out the full piece here: https://www.washingtongrantmakers.org/news/update-beyond-dollars-when-mickey-came-town